November, 2010 was when last we met here. Have I mentioned how quickly time goes by when you’re having fun??? A truism, for sure!
We went to NY for the holidays—and then some! Had wonderful visits with all seven children and their families, and with friends as well. Minor vexations such as a furnace that refused to run unless Fred whomped it (a truly non-Fred activity, but it eventually helped with the differential diagnosis. The computer chip was just fine; the overflow valve on the humidifier outflow was stuck. Would that the furnace guys had noted this and saved Fred many hours of contemplation!) as well as all the blizzards that are such old news I dare not dwell upon them, kept us in the North (spell that c-o-l-d) country for a couple of weeks longer than planned.
Our return to YA in late Jan. gave us just time to sort out the ‘list to starboard’ that had been reported to us by the marina. Has the stern platform hose connection really been leaking into the lazarette since 2008? Seems so—check out those ripples in the water that collected. (On second thought, don't check out the ripples. I lost the photo. There surely was a drip, drip, drip, though!) BTW, thanks, Ken, for NOT putting limber holes into the stringers. There is no doubt that the leak whatever its cause, is to starboard!
Water gone, boat riding level in the rising and falling tides of Hilton Head, we again climbed into the Red Jeep Grand Cherokee that came to live with us while we were in NY (sad adieu to the Audi and the ‘Burb, both vehicles that served us very well) and headed to Orlando for the US Power Squadron Annual Meeting. We did a Disney tour this time, and had some great visits, laughs and connections with friends old and new.
The day after the conference ended, we went to Harris Lake to participate in On-the-Water training for the Power Squadron. We each operated a powerboat to the satisfaction of our certifier, and are on our way to Boat Operator Certification. We took the long, slow way back to Hilton Head – it was, after all, Super Bowl Sunday! Somehow we managed to stretch a 5 hour ride into a day and a half.
So here we are, enjoying the almost really warm weather and ambiance of Shelter Cove. We know the folly of planning—2010 proved to us that the best laid plans ging oft awry—so we’re casually discussing our next move. We’ll keep you posted—and I promise (to myself, first) that a new episode of the Travels (or stationary activities) of YOUNG AMERICA will appear before months have slipped away!